We interrupt your normally scheduled program in order to inform you that Death Kicks Ass
Death had a good weekend, taking 1st place for best costume at the office, and second place for best costume at Denise and Lynn's party on Saturday!
Death also scared the crap out of a few children, which he felt bad about, but is over it now because he is Death and Death doesn't dwell.
Death was also asked to pick a fight with a zombie, which made him wonder if he could actually kill the Undead. After asking around, the consensus seems to be that Death would kick the Undead's ass. This would be particularly true of zombies, as the are slow and stupid, though incredibly strong.
Pictures of Death to follow.
And the best part, Death rides.
Denise aka Gothic Vampira
Oh yes. Death rides. Death does not drive. Death does, however, walk around in swank subdivisions if he can't quite see the numbers on the house he is looking for. Mostly, though, Death Rides.
We also learned that not only can you cheat Death, but Death can cheat you while playing board games.
And for the record, I don't think you could kill the undead. I think you could rip them to pieces so that they no longer pose a threat...
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